Thursday, November 09, 2017

Wedding Begging Poem

I got married to my wonderful wife nearly five years ago. We went to loads of wedding fairs, saw lots of wonderful things, and picked each other up off the floor when we found out how expensive everything was. So, we looked at little ways to cut costs, and one of them involved printing our own invites (very tasteful, laser printed, curly fonts, expensive paper, coloured ribbons, wax seal... very sophisticated). We included a fun little poem indicating our preference for cold hard cash instead of gifts, which is an idea we'd nicked from somewhere. I'm sure 75% of the below is repurposed from other sources, but I can't quite remember where those bits end and my bits start, so here is our version incase someone else wants to do the same.

We do not have a gift list,
we’ve got our pots and pans.
Our life is pretty sorted.
We’ve inked out all our plans!

We thank you for your presence,
to celebrate our day.
Your love is all we really need,
to send us on our way.

But if the mood should take you,
and you feel a little flash,
put on a cheque "C. Thomas"
we'd love a gift of cash!

The honeymoon's expensive.
The three kids bleed us dry!
Please don't be too offended, that
we gave this verse a try!

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